PhD day 2024 Physics edition

An event aimed at promoting and communicating the research activities carried on by PhD students in Florence, in any field related to Physics.

PhD day 2024 Physics edition

The event will take place at Blocco Aule (G3) in Aula Magna on Monday, May 20th, starting from 14:30 with a talk session followed at 16:30 by a poster session. PhD students are strongly encouraged to present your contribution! :)
The goal of this PhD Day is to give an overview of the various research topics investigated here in Florence, allowing everyone to present their own research work.
This year the talks will be in English and the event will be a joint effort between the Department of Physics and LENS.
Every PhD student (*) based in (or connected to) Florence is more than welcome to actively participate, regardless of their research topic, institution and/or affiliation(s)! So please feel free to share and forward this email to any interested person you might know.
(*) We will also accept applications from people who just finished their PhD, Master students towards the end of their Master Thesis.
Most importantly, there will be a "coffee break" with food and plenty of beers, which notoriously help to enjoy and stimulate discussions.
In the attachment you can find the program for the talks, whereas applications for posters are still open!
There are no limits or restrictions of any kind for the posters: e.g., you can bring a poster even if you also give a talk, you can bring more than one poster, and so on.
Indeed, as a playful conclusion, at the end of the event special prizes will be awarded to the nicest posters: the scholarsheep awards. 
For any comment/question don't hesitate to contact us:

10 Maggio 2024 (Archiviata)



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