Seminar: Who breaks the symmetry? From Bose Supersolids to Bose Metals, G. Pupillo, Université de Strasbourg

3 May, 2024, 11:30 - Venue: Aula Magna (blocco aule), Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Firenze

The search for exotic phases of matter drives much of the fundamental research in atomic and molecular physics as well as in condensed matter physics. Inspired by the discovery of supersolidity in dipolar quantum gases, in this talk we present results, old and new, on the quantum phases and transport properties of bosonic particles with non-local couplings, as found in quantum gases with dipolar, Rydberg, or cavity-mediated interactions. Non-local couplings can generate a large variety of exotic quantum phases and phase transitions, including phases with multiple broken symmetries such as supersolid and superstripe phases of matter. We provide strong evidence that they can also generate conducting phases with no broken symmetries at all -- bosonic metals -- as well as new types of phase transitions that should be observable in neutral atom experiments.



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