All people working at the Department of Physics and Astronomy must follow a computerized procedure to request access to related buildings, even if they are not employees of the University of Florence. More specifically, this includes:
All the above subjects must fill in the "Access to the Department” form.
For permanent staff members (who can use their credentials to access the online services of the University), the form is available at this link (including the English version):
For external staff (guest visitors), the form is available at this link (including the English version):
In this form, only general information is required, e.g. the building for which access authorization is requested. The choice of a contact person is mandatory. The contact person falls into one of the following categories:
(i) permanent staff of the Department,
(ii) laboratory managers,
(iii) INFN staff, for access to the Experimental Physics building.
For colleagues of the INFN theoretical group who are requesting access to the building in Sesto Fiorentino, the contact person is the coordinator of the theoretical group, Francesco Bigazzi. For those requesting access to the Garbasso building at Arcetri, in the context of collaborations with the GGI, the contact person is the director of the center, Stefania De Curtis.
The name of the contact person can be selected from the drop-down menu. The user is required to complete the General Training course, as well as to accept the risk associated with the use of display screen equipment. For information about training courses provided by Unifi, see this link:
If you do not intend to carry out laboratory activities, the process ends with the submission of the access form.
In order to access the laboratories, additionally, it is necessary to fill in a second form, labeled "Access to the laboratories". The form becomes available at the links above, after the first form has been authorized by the selected contact person and by the Director of the Department.
After the laboratory is chosen, the related safety risks will be listed. The user must declare the intent to attend the training courses related to the risks in question, when they become available.
At the end of the procedure, the request to issue a badge for access to the chosen structure is forwarded.
For clarifications about the procedure, or to report malfunctions, please write to the function address
Once a safety course has been completed, the corresponding certificate must be sent to
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