It is an honor for the department to host Paul Steinhardt, Albert Einstein Professor at Princeton University.
Subtracting to Add: How Quasiperiodicity Shapes the Quantum Phases of Matter. Vinicius Zampronio and Fabio Cinti investigate the behavior of dipolar bosons in a quasiperiodic optical lattice.
2024 Nobel Prize in Physics: John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton.
The 2024 Fermi Prize for optical microscopy in biology to Francesco Pavone.
Propagation of light through anomalous media. A researchers group from our Department in collaboration with INRIM (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica), LENS and Tufts University have identified and verified a set of simple rules to describe the propagation of light through anomalous media such as clouds and some biological media.
Davide Bacco, Associate Professor at our Deaprtment, has been recognised the Canada-Italy Innovation Award 2023.
Ása Skúladóttir, researcher at theDepartment, was awarded a 1.5 million euro StartingGrant by the European Research Council. Her research project, focused on dwarf galaxies, studies the origin of the Milky Way and its chemical elements.
Topology and synchronization together? A paper published in Physical Review Letters with contributions from our Phd student Lorenzo Giambagli explains.
Teaching and Training
Bachelors of Science in Physics and Astrophysics
Master of Science in Physical and Astrophysical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Optics and Optometry
Bachelor's degree in Materials Science
PhD in Physics and Astrophysics
Research Centres and Laboratories
GGI Galileo Galilei Institute
LABEC Laboratory
LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy
Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti
Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Complex Dynamics
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